What do you love? We naturally can’t help but talk about what we love. Using text from Luke 15, Steve Welch encourages us to consider what Jesus Christ has done and to share this wonderful, good news with those around us.
What is the role of the church in settling conflict between Christ followers? Continuing in Corinthians, Matt Zainea helps answer that question and challenges us to always seek reconciliation.
What should the church do when blatant sin causes division? Matt Zainea walks us through the challenge of guarding holiness while maintaining a disposition of grace and peace.
Are you ruled by self-deception? Is your life characterized by self-importance and superiority? Matt Zainea gives a gentle warning and reminds us that we can only be merciful through the living power of God.
Do you only see what you want to see? When it comes to our own sin we often refuse to see the truth. Using text from Corinthians 3, Matt Zainea challenges us to face our sin and see the goodness of Christ’s mercy.
Are you acting like a child? Is pride keeping you spiritually immature? Matt Zainea discusses how humility and Jesus Christ are the foundation for growth and the role God plays in it.
We all have that “natural” friend; organic produce, non-toxic products, and home cooked meals. Corinthians has a lot to say about the natural person and it’s not what you think. Using text from Corinthians, Matt Zainea makes the distinction between the natural person and the spiritual person.
The message of the cross seems foolish to some, but to others it is the ultimate display of God’s wisdom and power. Matt Zainea encourages us to consider that godly wisdom, humility, and repentance stand in stark contrast to the wisdom our world has to offer.
The Word of God is clear, followers of Jesus must bring life and light into darkness. As we celebrate Sanctity of Life Sunday, Matt Zainea and Colleen Geisel will show us how to put love into action.
Are you a person of peace or a person of discord? Using 1 Corinthians, Matt Zainea reminds us that dealing with division may be hard work but as followers of Jesus we are called to actively pursue unity.
What do the ancient Corinthian church and you have in common? More than you think. Kicking off our new series on 1 Corinthians, Matt Zainea offers insight into Paul’s letter to the Corinthians and why it still matters today.
Are you tired? Are you constantly trying to do better, but find yourself failing? Using text from 2 Corinthians Isaac Bronkema encourages us to rest in this truth; Christ alone is the author of transformation and the great sanctifier of his people.
Have you vowed to eat better or exercise more in the New Year? Using text from Act 2, Matt Zainea invites us to consider a different kind of resolution, one of life-changing transformation through Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ, God in flesh, came to dwell among us. This Christmas, Matt Zainea points us to the amazing reality that the birth of Jesus is cause for celebration everyday of the year.
What is Christmas for? What is its ultimate purpose? Concluding our series in John, Matt Zainea explains how Jesus’ final conversation with Peter gives us the answer.
Are you a Jesus follower? Following the story of Jesus’ disciples after the resurrection in John 19 & 20, Matt Zainea challenges us to evaluate our lives and be drawn into the resurrected life that Jesus offers.
Jesus' final words before His death on the cross deliver a powerful message about His mission and His great love for us. Using text from John 19, Matt Zainea invites us to consider how these powerful words still speak to us today.
John 18 is not just about Jesus and Pilate, it is about all of us. Using this text, Matt Zainea explains the difference between worldly power and Godly authority and why it matters.
What is truth? This age-old question is one everybody must wrestle with. Continuing in John 18, Matt Zainea points us to the place all truth is found, in Jesus Christ.
Is your religious behavior hiding the reality that your life is centered around you? Examining the story of Peter in John 18, Matt Zainea challenges us to place Jesus at the center and have our actions be shaped by our love for Him.
How is Jesus glorified in His people? The answer is simple, through obedience. Continuing in John 17, Matt Zainea encourages us to move towards obedience and to see Jesus’ mission as our own mission.
Have we traded the glory of God for disobedience? For folly? Envy or strife? Using passages from the Old Testament and John 17, Matt Zainea explores the connection between God's glory, Jesus’ mission, and obedience.
Do we reduce our relationship with God to a simple checklist? Do this or don’t do that. Using text from the gospel of Luke, Steve Welch invites us to examine our motivation for giving and challenges us to give out of a deep love and gratitude for Christ.
Can sorrow be replaced with rejoicing? Continuing the conversation from John 16, Trevor Hunt examines how prayer will increase our joy and points us to the place true joy is found, in Jesus Christ alone.
During Jesus’ final meal with his disciples, He promised that the gift of the Spirit would be even greater than His physical presence. Returning to our series on the gospel of John, Steve High invites us to consider the power of the Spirit in us.