In a culture overwhelmed by accomplishment and distraction, take a moment to be overwhelmed by the wonder of who God is. Steve Welch kicks off a series called Worthy of Worship in Psalm 145.
The world seems full of anger and hate. When Jesus was on earth He was also hated. What does it mean to courageously follow Jesus when faith and the world collide? Matt Zainea will help us understand this tension from John 15.
Guest teacher Reverend Nate Moody and lead pastor Matt Zainea talk about fatherhood and using verses from John, discuss the unique relationship of Jesus and His Father.
Did you know that Jesus wants to spend time with YOU? Matt Zainea continues in our Grace Upon Grace series in John 15 and talks about the deeply personal and tender concept of what it means to truly abide with Jesus.
Jesus promised His disciples that the Holy Spirit would be given to them, and is also offered to all believers. How we choose to interact with the Spirit is determined by the nature of our relationship with Him. Matt Zainea unpacks some of these promises from John 14.
In John 14, Jesus says He is the way, the truth, and the life. Learn what that means for us today, as Matt Zainea unpacks how we might allow who Jesus is to impact our lives and those around us.
Has a compelling story ever prompted you to change something? From Acts 2, Matt Zainea explores Peter’s retelling of the greatest story ever told, and how the story of Jesus might move us to align our story with God’s work through His church.
What does it mean to love like Jesus? By exploring the words of Jesus in John 13, Matt Zainea talks about the example of Christ, and the differences between how Judas and Peter treat Jesus.
What does it mean to be a servant leader? In John 13 Jesus showed his disciples by washing their feet, and Matt Zainea discusses how we might follow the example of Jesus within the roles God has given us.
Jesus brings life, even through death. From John 12, Matt Zainea explores the necessary deaths we must experience in hopeful anticipation of life in Christ, and to bear fruit for His glory.
What are the characteristics of someone who worships Jesus? From John 12, Matt Zainea looks at the ways Mary and Judas interact with Jesus and calls us to examine what our worship looks like.
As we look at the events leading up to Jesus’ death and resurrection from the gospel of John, Matt Zainea reminds us of the gift of grace made available to us by the passion and love of Christ.
When has the brokenness of life caused you to ask big questions about faith and Jesus? Matt Zainea examines the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, and the significance of what this means for those who believe Jesus is Lord.
Whether we know it or not, we are part of a lineage of either serving sin or serving Christ. Matt Zainea explores the words of Jesus in John 8, and calls us to choose to which family we will belong.
We long to be free, and Jesus longs to give us that freedom which can only be found in Him. Matt Zainea explores John 8 in which Jesus says He is the light of the world, the one who gives freedom from darkness.
Have you ever felt like walking away from the faith? The teaching of Jesus from John 6:51-71 is difficult to grasp, and many of His disciples walked away from Him afterwards. Matt Zainea explores the truth that only Jesus can satisfy our deepest needs.
What consumes you? Through John 6:22-51 Isaac Bronkema invites us to remember that Christ is the bread of life and is able to satisfy all of our needs, and that even when we forget, His sovereign grace is enough.
Do you find it hard to experience the joy of knowing Jesus ? If there was something blocking your joy would you like to know? Stu Quackenbush will unpack the words of Jesus in Luke 18:9-14 and help us discover the true joy of brokenness.
Is your cup half empty or half full? Matt Zainea uses the miracles of Jesus from John 6 to explore living your life with God’s provision in view, and how that might affect the fullness of your cup.