How can something as ugly as pride be changed to the beauty of humility? Matt Zainea starts a new series focused on the seven deadly sins and the seven Christian virtues, and how true change can happen.
How can our belief in God help us make decisions? Matt Zainea concludes the 5 part series in the book of Acts by looking at Peter and Paul and the early church.
What does it mean to be courageous? Matt Zainea continues the series through the book of Acts with a look at Stephen and his example of grace under pressure.
Having a heart of integrity and moving with boldness go together. Matt Zainea continues the series through the books of Acts with a look at the early church and moving with the boldness of Christ.
A pierced heart can show others their inherent dignity in Jesus. Matt Zainea continues the series through the book of Acts with a look at Peter and John and the first miracle of the church.