How do stars begin? Are there other planets like earth? What revolves around what, anyway? Professor Will Millar - making full use of his Ph.D. in Astrophysics - takes us through the history of the questions and updates us on the centuries-long search for answers.
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Is God really sovereign over everything, or can people mess up His plans? Can we really make choices, or is free will just an illusion?
Welcome to the doctrine of election. What does the Bible really say about all this?
Romans 10
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Every human being is different - some even seem to have more traits in contrast than in common! How, then, can we treat each other with dignity?
Joe Jones - head of the Grand Rapids Urban League and Second Ward Commissioner on the Grand Rapids City Council - teaches us this evening.
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Ever heard "but the LORD hardened Pharaoh’s heart, and he did not let the people of Israel go" and wondered, "Wait, so did Pharaoh's have a choice?"
This is the teaching for you.
Romans 9
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Ever heard that "all things work together for good"? This week, Stu unpacks what this promise means and how God is going to keep it.
Romans 8:26-39
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Suffering. It comes in many shapes and sizes, and none of them feel good. What does it look like to suffer like a Jesus follower?
Romans 8:18-25
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Contentment. Circumstances.
Two words for the same thing to some, but not according to scripture.
You know that thing you struggle with. You try. You fight it. You promise to beat it but it keeps coming back.
Paul knew that struggle, and he wanted the Church to know that God has something better for us.
Romans 8:5-17
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