Kurt Dillinger is the Founder and President of Life International. He advocates for the pre-born because all life is valuable. There is hope and forgiveness for all because of the good news of Jesus.
John 3:16
Living upside down isn’t natural. It’s the result of being transformed by God. So what does a transformed community of Jesus-followers look like?
Romans 12
Paul's letter to the church in Rome is known for its thorough and rich theology. It was also written to a real church and real group of early, diverse Jesus-followers struggling to live out His teachings. Chapter 12 paints a picture of living upside down: being transformed by the Spirit, not conformed by the world. It's what Paul desired for the Roman church. It's what God desires for His church today.
Romans 12
Find out why communication with God is possible. This teaching on prayer will give you some practical ways to live a praying and guilt-free life.
Romans 5:1-5