A Sunday Night Talk about doing work by Don Perini, professor of creativity and ministry at Cornerstone University.
Preferences are powerful but there is something even greater. Discover the antidote to living out of preferences in a story of confrontation and faith.
Jesus prayed that His followers would be one, but too often churches are known more for what divides than what unites. Preferences are powerful and we all have them. What do we do with them?
Matthew 15:1-9
A story of two lost sons and a loving Father. Which son do you identify with? Have you experienced the embrace of the Father?
Luke 15:11-32
Fear is common to all of us. Common but not easy to overcome. Learn from this remarkable story with Jesus, some waves and simple faith.
Matthew 14:22-33
Jesus performed many miracles. Some for individual and some for huge crowds. The feeding of the five thousand is one of the most well-known of those miracles and for good reason. But do you know who that miracle was for? The answer may surprise you.
Matthew 14:13-21