A Sunday Night Talk with material from the book "Leadership and Self-Deception" by The Arbinger Institute.
Life – like adventure – is full of twists, turns and bumps. How do we navigate the frustrations, disappointments and the inevitable conflict in our relationships?
Luke 22:24-27
Life is full. No doubt about it. Family responsibilities, jobs, community concerns, relationships, church... We have long to-do lists and many activities to take our time and attention. Is this the only way?
Matthew 6:25-34
Getting started on an adventure can be the hardest part. Discover the way forward as we launch an adventure.us. new series on family and relationships.
John 4:5-26
We were designed to create, to bring life and flourishing in the image of our Creator. Discover a view of work that will inspire a vision to change the world around you.
Jeremiah 29:4-7