When life gets tough, where do you turn? Do you rely on your own abilities or knack to solve problems? Or do you turn to Christ? Stu Quackenbush continues our Storyteller Series in Luke and reminds us that we can trust Jesus, knowing that He will either calm the storm or sit with us in the boat as life crashes around us.
Those who have ears, let them hear! Sounds easy enough, right? Yet there are so many things in our lives that can keep us from hearing or seeing the good news God has for us. Stu Quackenbush relaunches our Storyteller series in Luke with a teaching on the parable of the soils, and helps us open our hearts to receive God’s gifts.
How many of us looked at the calendar and gave a little sigh of relief knowing that we have Monday off? Yet God’s plan for work is crucial in how He created, calls, and provides for us. Trent Heaton opens the book of Colossians and explores the ways we can bring glory and honor to God through our work.
What IS Baptism? And why does it matter? Ben Phebus explores the connection between the profound gift of grace and our obedient response through action.
When the anxieties and trials of life come, where do you turn? Trevor Hunt shares a lesson from Paul as we close out our summer series, A Cross Shaped Life, and looks at the invitation we have to not be anxious, but take everything to God in prayer and find peace in Christ Jesus.
The world screams for our attention every day and according to a recent study, 90% of what it is screaming though the media is negative. It’s so easy to get down or depressed if we keep our eyes on the world. Instead, Louie Konopka encourages us in our summer series to stay focused on what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy.
What is the “good life” and how do you know if you are living it? The world’s answer looks a lot different than what Paul calls us to in Philippians 3. Trent Heaton unpacks what it looks like to leave everything behind, for the sake of knowing Christ!
Any famous athlete or musician can tell you that talent can only take you so far. You have to invest, day after day, into becoming great. Ben Phebus continues our summer series and shows us that the Christian life is not so different. You are saved the moment you accept Christ as your Savior, but it takes diligent discipline to transform our old lives into ones that look more like the greatest of all time, Jesus.
What comes to mind when you think about humility? Is it a person in your life who showed you grace when you wronged them, a boss who shared credit for a new product, or maybe a famous athlete who gave glory to God for their success? Andrew Bauer continues our summer series in Philippians and points us to the greatest example of humility ever known, Jesus Christ.
What does it look like to allow the gospel to shape your life? What if your life doesn’t look like you expected? Stu Quackenbush kicks off our summer series, A Cross Shaped Life in the book of Philippians to help us rest, refocus, and examine how Christ is calling us to live.
Sometimes the last thing we want to do during a trial or difficult time is praise God. Brian Webster shows us how praising through the Psalms reorients our hearts under God’s authority and gives us a biblical framework for understanding ourselves as we live in this world created by our loving God.
When is the last time that you felt strong, overwhelming emotion over God’s gracious, undeserved, and life-altering love for you? Stu Quackenbush continues our Storyteller’s series in Luke and points us to how understanding the depth of mercy we have received, supercharges our passion for Christ and energizes our worship of Him in all that we do.
We all struggle from time to time with doubt. Life’s circumstances can really throw us for a loop and cause us to question God. We aren’t alone. Even those who saw Jesus’ miracles firsthand, questioned Him when things didn’t go the way they expected. Steve Welch shares the grace Jesus offers, even when we stumble and doubt.
God asks a lot of questions in the Bible. That’s not because He doesn’t know the answers, but because people learn much better from what they say or discover instead of what they are just told. Gary Heim shares a practical teaching from Proverbs on how to pursue others with questions that communicate genuine care, interest, and invite deeper connections.
Has someone in your life shown you compassion? Maybe a kind word or deed when you were hurting? Andrew Bauer invites us to follow Jesus’ example from Luke 7 and be a light in this dark world by sharing the words and love of Jesus to those around us in need of a Savior.
What is faith and how do you know if you have it? How do you choose to trust, even in the midst of the storms of life? Ben Phebus continues our series in Luke with a story about someone unexpected, who had enough faith to cause Jesus to marvel!
The storms of life are coming. If you aren’t in the midst of one now, just wait. Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart. I have overcome the world.” Stu Quackenbush continues our Storyteller’s series in Luke and challenges us to dig deep and build our lives on the only solid foundation, Jesus Christ.
We are rescued people, saved from condemnation through the blood of Jesus Christ. Yet in this broken fallen world, it can be hard to remember the forgiveness we’ve received and extend it to others. Ben Phebus offers encouragement from Luke 6 as we seek to love the way Jesus loves.
How do we live the Christian Life in the midst of so much hate? How can we say we love Jesus, but not hold to His teaching to love our enemies? Our guest teacher, Elie Haddad who is the President of the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary in Beirut Lebanon, shares a unique perspective on the way to find joy and peace in the midst of conflict.
It's easy to love those who love you, but what about those who don't? What about people in your life who intentionally do harm to you? Stu Quackenbush continues in the Storyteller Series with one of the hardest teachings of Jesus on what it means to truly love those who hate you and hurt you.
What motivates your decisions and whose advice means the most to you? Matt Zainea unpacks Jesus’s teaching on the blessings and woes in Luke and helps us understand what lies behind our anxieties, jealousies, fantasies, and resentments.
If Jesus prayed all night before choosing His disciples, how much more should we pray before making decisions or dealing with challenges in our lives? Matt Zainea continues our Storytellers series and shows us how to stay connected to God as we follow Jesus’ pattern for life and ministry.
When you think about the Sabbath, what comes to mind? Did you know that the word Sabbath means “rest?” Matt Zainea uses a passage from Luke to remind us that God created us and knows what we need. He longs for us to find rest from this crazy chaotic world. But not just rest from work–He wants us to find our rest in Him!
Have you ever wanted something so desperately that you went to extraordinary lengths to make it happen? Matt Zainea jumps back into our Storytellers series in Luke and teaches about a group that wanted to be near Jesus enough to bust through a roof. Would you?
He is risen! He is risen, indeed! Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection changed everything. Because of His great love for us and sacrifice on the cross, we are free from the chains of sin and death. We’re excited to worship, learn, and celebrate with you this Resurrection Sunday!